Hackerspace spotlight – HacDC @hacdc

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Adafruit supplies hundreds of hackerspaces and makerspaces around the world with tutorials and great electronics (with great discounts!). We also have a series of articles on how to start your own hackerspace by Eric Michaud. We’re celebrating all of them on the Adafruit blog!

Today is HacDC!

HacDC is a community organization in Washington, D.C. devoted to collaboration in the creative use of technology. Founded in 2008 by a diverse group of engineers, artists, and hobbyists, HacDC hosts free and open activities to share knowledge, skills, and ideas. A combined meeting space and workshop is stocked with specialized tools and supplies useful for the collaborative development of technological and artistic projects.

HacDC is part of a global trend in amateur engineering clubs that have come to be known as “hackerspaces.” Centered on physical locations that function as shared workshops, these spaces support “makers” whose work bridges the realms of art and technology and who share a passion for putting old technology to new and creative purposes. Spaces like HacDC give new impetus to an American tradition of amateur innovation, much as ham radio societies do. These spaces have been broadly recognized in the national and international media. HacDC itself was featured in The Washington Post in April, 2009.

HacDC activities can be divided into three categories: educational programs, community service, and technical and research projects. Educational programs encompass talks, classes, joint projects, and workshops held at the organization’s meeting space. All are open to the public and are free of charge. HacDC’s community service marshals the organization’s technological knowledge to benefit the surrounding community. Technical and research projects often have an engineering focus, but can encompass art projects using technology and are not fundamentally limited in subject matter or approach.

If you want to help us with our mission, join us!

Adafruit 1699

We recently updated our distributor, reseller and hackerspace pricing! Now, 1 quantity has UP TO a 30% discount off many items, this is allows you to get a great discount by just ordering 1 of something. Great for folks who just want to try 1 item of each of something out in their store, etc. As always, once you order 50+ or more of something the discount goes UP TO 40% off many items as well. Note! *Not ALL items have reseller pricing, reseller pricing is for items we can discount for our resellers. We are adding more all the time! Remember, the minimum order is $250 per order, not including shipping.

We have a very easy reseller program and would love to have more great people & companies as a distributors/resellers/hackerspaces. Our products are high-quality and we think they’re the best engineered & designed in the market.

Want your hackerspace/makerspace to get up to 40% off on group buys? Click here!

Have an amazing project to share? The Electronics Show and Tell is every Wednesday at 7:30pm ET! To join, head over to YouTube and check out the show’s live chat and our Discord!

Join us every Wednesday night at 8pm ET for Ask an Engineer!

Join over 38,000+ makers on Adafruit’s Discord channels and be part of the community! http://adafru.it/discord

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