Community Corner: An All Adafruit Component Arduino Powered Remote Control Robot and Other Treats from this Week in Adafruit’s Community

Featured Community Project

From Adafruit Forums member jpmk12:

This project was completed with materials ordered entirely from If your not familiar with them, check out their excellent tutorials and supplies for makers.

See the project writeup here.

There are people making amazing things around the world, are you one of them? Join the 55,780 strong! And check out scores of projects they shared this week after the jump!

From the Google+ Community

(Note: Google+ login required.)

Mark Miller shared: “Finally getting back to work on my homemade motorized linear slide mechanisms, after delays for parts and weather. I picked up working on the 3D foamcutter, got the X axis stepper driven, as well as the blade. The video is slow and borish, but shows what I have in mind and where I am going with it. I have to get a 5 axis controller wired, and get some? program to interface and run it. For now-no clue……But will get there…. The thing is nice and rigid, and makes nice clean cuts. I want to be able to carve heads and other sculpture from Styrofoam blocks, and build a library of designs that can be made anytime I want one. This video is not too great, will make a better one once I get everything under control a bit more. The max block size right now is 3 X 4 inches, but will expand to 5 X 5 before its all over0.” (read more)

Mano Biletsky shared: “I uploaded a video for my glove project. Not very much to see yet, but it’s a work in progress.” (read more)

Matt Heilman shared: “How to capture a Data Stream with an Analog Oscilloscope.” (read more)


Mike Vanderpool shared: “The world’s first WOOD powered Raspberry Pi! Time to take it camping.” (read more)

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Heather Solvers shared: “Commission: Robot Wedding Cake Topper: Rustic with a touch of fuchsia. Requested details: Fuchsia bow tie and bouquet, light rustic finish. Robot sculpture combining polymer clay, wire woven into coil springs, varnish and a little heart handmade by HerArtSheLoves.” (read more)

Mike Barela

Mike Barela shared: “Laying out parts for a Pi MAME build. Pi and controls from +Adafruit Industries and power control using an ATXRasPi. Case from Michaels for about $5 (painted wood, easier than cutting and fitting acrylic). Time to start making holes.” (read more)


Erik Kringen shared: “Embedding an Arduino on Prototyping Board – My Contraption” (read more)


William Garrido shared: “Another Toaster Reflow Oven” (read more)


Michael Sheldon shared: “Built a portable soldering workspace. I don’t do a whole lot, so dedicating one of my workbenches doesn’t make sense. This tray can be put aside when not in use. Base is 3/4″ melamine, the edges are pine. The edges are 1/4″ higher than the surface, preventing parts from falling off. The soldering iron holder and Panavise are screwed down to the base. The wood was all leftovers from previous projects.” (read more)

Steve Anderson

Steve Anderson shared: “Here’s today’s update on the keyboard hacking. I popped the top off all the keys on the right hand side of the keyboard and removed the bulbs. One was stuck tight in the socket and broke as I tried to pull it out, but the others were fine and I’m keeping for some future project. I trimmed the leads on the 3mm LEDs to match the length of the bulbs they’re replacing. Obviously it’s tricky to tell the polarity on LEDs if their legs are the same length so I used a marker to mark the cathodes before trimming them. (That’s sensible thinking!) Finally I installed all the LEDs I had in my stock. Annoyingly I had two LEDs pop when I accidentally shorted the resistors on the board and applied 5V straight to them (the resistors in situ are 350 Ohms which is pretty much perfect for the LEDs when run at 5V, as the illuminated STOP photo shows. Next: buy more LEDs. Desolder the rest of the Darlington chips. Hook up the shift registers to take their place.” (read more)

Josh Threadgate

Josh Threadgate shared: “A Weekend Project.” (read more)

GuillermoAmaral 2

Guillermo Amaral shared: “Now, this is how you’re suppose to power an #OUYA. Not with that cheap wall wart it comes with.” (read more)

Ben Harber shared: “BSAV – Foamy1 GoPro1 2S-6×3” (read more)


Pascal König shared: “The Makers Clock – Content is in German” (read more)


Tarak Mahadi shared: “The painting is based on Scientist Abed Chaudhury‘s latest research on seeds gene development” (read more)

Robert Wozniak

Robert Wozniak shared: “I was able to encapsulate an NFC tag in an ABS print. The RFID Tag still functions after printing. This is a Geotag Marker for Ingress. I submitted this location as an Ingress Portal, but it will take 6 to 8 weeks to see if accepted. The Write protected NFC tag will open a blog page which I started for the local ingress play. It’s just something my daughter and I are trying for fun.” (read more)


Jason Clark shared: “All of the sensors breadboarded up and ready for testing for my mobile storm telemetry v2 project. L2r; arduino, barometric pressure, compass, Bluetooth, hall effect and humidity.” (read more)

Community Projects from the Adafruit Blog

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danbackslide shared: “It just so happens that I’m a member of a local Star Trek fan club, as well as a TCMaker board member. (I am a multi-purpose nerd.) For the past eight years the USS Nokomis has run a party room at CONvergence. Last year the hotel was remodeled, and an 8 foot long, marble-topped desk replaced a (somewhat) easily-removed armoire. Since we can’t get it out of the room, I came up with an idea to make it fit into our Original Series decor — turn it into a control panel.” (read more)

Rpi teletext

Mike Szczys shared: “Exploring dead protocols is often the calling card of hobby electronics enthusiasts. And why not? The mistakes have already been made and fixed — you can learn from them. This Raspberry Pi TeleText hack is the perfect example. It let [Moonlit] explore the realm of generating composite video, as well as establishing communications between the Raspberry Pi and a microcontroller.” (read more)

falldeaf shared: “In the past, when I’ve wanted to connect a hardware project to the internet, I’ve gone with Arduino and an ethernet shield. The problem with this solution is that the price was high and the available space for software was limited. This is where the Raspberry Pi really shines! But in order for the Raspberry Pi to provide these great benefits, you’ll need your program to be able to communicate. In particular, a web-based API will make it a snap to communicate with. Python is a popular language for using the GPIO pins and so pairing that with the Twisted networking module makes for a powerful program. First check out what I was able to accomplish using this technique, then, after the video, stay tuned for a simple, pared down and detailed tutorial of the basics. After that I jump into the code that powers the actual lamp!” (read more)

Marc Girard shared: “The TronPi is a Mellontron Emulator based on the 35$ Raspberry Pi computer. It has the 4 classic Tron sounds: Choir, Strings, Brass and Flute. The TronPi is controlled with a standard USB/MIDI Keyboard and doesn’t have any perceptible latency. All the audio in this video was taken straight from the Raspberry PI’s audio output, no further processing was added to the source. It’s straight out of the computer. The reverb ambience you hear on the recordings is built in the sampler and adjustable. The computer boots in 30 seconds or so. It supports MIDI program changes and once loaded, program changes are instant, no lag.” (read more)

TGFSAR preview featured

Artist and Coney Island community promoter Fred Kahl shared about his Coney Island Scan-A-Rama project: “Getting your portrait made at an amusement park has entered the 21st century with Coney Island Scan-A-Rama, the world’s first affordable 3D portrait studio. With the miracle of 3D scanning and printing, you can now get scanned and have your very own 3D Mini Me. The project is the latest brainchild of Coney Island sideshow veteran, Brooklyn based artist and impresario Fred Kahl, a.k.a. the Great Fredini. Kahl’s goal is to design and 3D print a replica of Coney Island’s famed Luna Park, as it stood a hundred years ago, and populate it with portraits from the studio. ‘Coney Island has always been the place where cutting edge technology is presented as entertainment. Inventions like the elevator, electric light bulb, hot dogs and the rollercoaster found their first audiences here,’ says Kahl. ‘I wanted to update the art of amusement park portraiture for the 21st century. In the past you would have had a caricature drawn, silhouette cut or a photo taken. Well, that technology has barely changed in 100 years… Until now!'” (read more)

Lincoln Kamm shared an interview with Ponoko about his “Neo-Artist” book project: — practical tools for “The Neo-Artist” for using the latest digital manufacturing technologies: “A nice snapshot of what The Neo-Artist is all about can be seen in the clip above, where Lincoln is interviewed by 3D Printer World. Watch the interview to discover more about the campaign, as well as cat-breeding and other insights into Lincoln’s creative world that led him to share his expertise in The Neo-Artist.” (read more)


Leo Marius shared his incredible open source 3D printed camera project, “Open Reflex”: “The OpenReflex is an Open-Source analog camera with a mirror Viewfinder and an awesome finger activated mechanic shutter (running ~ 1/60°s). What’s more, it’s compatible with any photographic lens with custom mount ring. All the pieces easily printable on an recent RepRap-like ABS 3D-printer without using support material ! Everything should print in less than 15h and anyone should be able to assemble it within 1h. All parts are separate ( Film receiver, Shutter and Viewfinder ) to simplify builds and modifications. The source files are available under the CreativeCommon By-Sa license, feel free to modify them if you want a new feature, and don’t forget to share your improvements on the web. ;)” (read more)

Nathan shared: “A few months ago, I was inspired by this post on Reddit, titled: Food items should have QR codes that instruct the microwave exactly what to do. Like high for 2 minutes, let stand 1 minute, medium 1 minutes.. I thought this was a pretty cool idea, and that it would be a fun project for a Raspberry Pi. I agreed with the people who thought using UPC barcodes would be better, since products already have them, so I went with a barcode scanner + online product database.” (read more)

Henry and his dad shared more videos about Henry’s 3D printed Annoyinator project: “The following is a somewhat paraphrased conversation between Henry (age 12) and Dad (age, uh, somewhere north of 40) on the way home from Thanksgiving…

Henry: Hey Dad, can you make a loudspeaker that aims only in one direction?

Dad: Well, sort of. Because of the way sound works, you need a very wide loudspeaker to make it directional and ‘point’ in some direction. For a reasonable size loudspeaker, you can make it very directional only at high frequencies.

Henry: Awesome. Can I make something that attaches to my iPod Touch and aims the sound from the ‘Dog Whistle’ app?

Dad: Yes, you can do that.

Henry: That’s what I want to make!” (read more)


NYCCTfab faculty and students wrote in to share about the ParaActivity Intensive Computation and Fabrication Workshop: “ParaActivity was a six-week intensive computation and fabrication workshop taught by Hart Marlow and Michael McCune at City Tech’s Department of Architectural Technology. The workshop explored parametric aggregations as a means to create a 3D printed shading assembly using Rhino for surface modeling and Grasshopper for visual programming. The use of parametric design allowed the shading assemblies to mediate light heterogeneously through controlled variations of the geometric elements making up up the shading assembly. Students were introduced to physical computing using Arduino boards, Processing, and Firefly to program RGB LEDs integrated within the core of the shading assemblies. The use of IR proximity sensors allowed for an interactive environment wherein the intensity and RGB values of the LEDs were responsive to changes in lighting and motion within the space. The final mesh files of the shading assemblies were cleaned and edited in Geomagic prior to being 3D printed with a ZPrinter 650 color inkjet powder printer.” (read more)


Chris Fenton shared The Pocket Gutenberg: “I think I started this project around 2 years ago, but got bogged down in trying design my own printable, movable-type font (it turns out font design is a whole crazy world I want nothing to do with). I recently discovered the “Write” library for openscad (along with Makerbot’s cool ‘customizer’ tool for thingiverse). The result is a neato, pocket-friendly printing press. Customize a plate of type, print it out with a 3D-printer, and then 2D-print until your heart’s content. You can finally make the tiny zine you’ve always wanted to!” (read more)

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thoughtfix shared the “Adafruit Perma-Proto + Arduino Uno holder“: “This holds an Adafruit 1/2 sized (or full sized if you don’t mind it sticking out) Perma-Proto Breadboard beside an Arduino Uno, Leonardo, or similarly sized board. The design is slightly tweaked from the photos in that the hole through the nub near the power plug was removed. It works great with two 3mm screws even without bolts when 3D printed thanks to the natural “threading” of the plastic. This thing was made with Tinkercad. Edit it online!” (read more)

Jeremy Blum shared about his new Exploring Arduino book: “Exploring Arduino uses the popular Arduino microcontroller platform as an instrument to teach topics in electrical engineering, programming, and human-computer interaction. The book shares best practices in programming and design that you can apply to any project, and code snippets and schematics that will serve as a useful references for future projects even after you’ve mastered all the topics in the book.” (read more)

Caitlinsdad shared: “Don’t touch that dial. No tweaking the knobs. Just wave your hands in front of the two sensitive senors embedded in this bespoke piece of wearable tech. The garment has an embedded Adafruit Flora wearable microprocessor to generate R2-D2 theremin like sounds.” (read more)

Clayton Ritcher shared his Luminous lowtops (read more)

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Joe Herbert shared his FLORA powered DJ hoodie! (read more)


Arichter shared an Amazing NeoPixel bow tie! (read more)


Swap_File in the Adafruit forums posted up about his incredibly well-documented Tron suit cosplay complete with color changing disc and voice changing helmet! Pictures on Flickr, and Code, Schematic, and DXF files on Github! (read more)

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Ken Shirriff shared excellent “Twelve tips for using the Rigol DS1052E Oscilloscope” resource! (read more)


Benschop Plaza shared about the LegoDuino: “A couple of months ago, my 9 year old son took an interest in my electronics projects. He wanted to do some experimenting of his own, so I gave him a bread board, a couple of leds, resistors, buttons, switches and some batteries. Then I drew him a circuit diagram and explained what it all meant and challenged him to make the leds light up. So, after a while (read about 15 minutes), he proudly showed me his glowing leds. So I drew some more diagrams, did some more explaining and on he went. After a few days he started to draw his own diagrams and building them. Sometimes he failed but a lot of times he succeeded. A few weeks later he said he wanted more…. He also wanted to use those little black thingies (i.e. ATMega’s) I was using. Unfortunately, that wasn’t as easy and I had to disappoint him at that time. But, an idea was born. I wanted to create a kids friendly micro controller. Something he could create the most amazing things with.” (read more)


Raspberry Pi Kid: “This is a first! I’m typing this blog post ON MY RASPBERRY PI!” This is really cool, an 11 year old kid blogging about learning how to program on the Pi, using a Pi. (read more)

SYN Shop started their own Saturday night show! “We’re back with episode 2 of SYN Shop Talk, the Las Vegas Hackerspace podcast! Susan and Pawel visit Maker Faire in San Mateo and talk to Krux and Sarah about their experiences there. Susan interviews Nate Bryant about the many things he’s built over the years including bike lights, boat motor chargers, hexapod bots, tensegrity towers and more!” (read more)

Ssd1306 i2c

Charles-Henri Hallard shared an Adafruit SSD1306 OLED Display Driver for Raspberry Pi: “I worked to add I2C support into the SSD1306 library port for Raspberry, now it is working fine but more than this, I wrote some documentation on my blog. You will find all information on the link below, of course source code was updated on github.” (read more)


Trammell Hudson continues to dazzle us with projects like his “How To: Turn Your Oscilloscope Into a Vector Video Display”: “Vector displays are now mostly historical oddities — old arcade games like Asteroids or Tempest, or ancient FAA radar displays — which gives them a certain charm. Unlike modern raster displays, the electron beam in the CRT is not swept left to right and top to bottom for each row in the image. Instead the beam is steered to a point and traces the lines of the displayed image.” (read more)


Andy Ihnatko shared his “Maria Sark” outstanding TRON costume project. (read more)

Miria Grunick shared: “This was a gift for my two year old nephew. Since he is a fan of lights and buttons, I wanted to make something blinky for him to enjoy. The concept was simple: make a clear box with buttons that would change colors and patterns based on which buttons were pressed….” Excellent use of our arcade buttons and addressable LED strips! (read more)


Evil Mad Science shared: “Over the course of the past few years, we’ve been writing occasional “Basics” articles, about introductory topics in electronics and microcontrollers. In the spirit of making things easy to find, we’ve now tagged them so that you can find them with this link, and we’re collecting them together in this index that will be updated from time to time.” Fantastic! (read more)

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