Really cool RPi project from Torna via the adafruit forum:
Hello there,
After my project Pi TimeLapse, whitch is now fully functional, I started a new one called Pi CarJukeBox 🙂
The objectif is to embbed a jukebox based on the Raspberry Pi in my car 🙂 As always, the power supply is the main problem. I used a DC converter to get 5V for the Pi, starting the and stoping the car result in many problems…
Actualy, starting the car provoques many tension variation whitch are dangerous for the Pi. End, stoping the car provoque a brutal stop for the Pi without a proper system shutdown…
I finaly figured out a way to solve these problems, but I still need recommendations and ideas. Here is the project summary, do not hesitate to contact me for any suggestion 🙂 Many thx with anticipation 🙂
1 – Raspberry Pi Car JukeBox
2 – Le choix du matériel
3 – Installation du système
4 – Configuration réseau et point d’accès WiFi
5 – Interface autoradio / carte son
6 – Proptotype jukebox embarqué
7 – Alimentation du Pi 1/3
8 – Alimentation du Pi 2/3 – AllumageNext parts will come soon…
Check out the project page here!
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