Former NASA engineer starts wearable tech costume company

Remember hole-in-the-sweatshirt Halloween costume idea? The originator, former NASA engineer Mark Rober, started a successful costume company after his youtube video went viral.

By the following Halloween, he was ready to share his invention with the rest of the world. With a couple of friends he created a free app, a bunch of t-shirt designs, and a website selling wearable tech Halloween costumes. After cutting a hole in the shirt and duct-taping your device on the inside, their app would play a video that made part of the t-shirt’s illustration look alive.

New designs for this Halloween include integrating the app with the Morphsuits—Robert holds a patent for the integration of apps with clothing and costumes—and a design that uses your phone’s accelerometer to make it look like your intestines are being ripped out when someone slaps you on the back.

Via Arstechnica.

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