Check out Slothfurnace’s Nixie Entertainment System via :
I was comissioned to do a nixie clock for a co-worker’s wedding gift. At first I was just going to make the clock case resemble an NES console, as I had just gotten in a shipment of surplus NES console buttons, and needed a project to use them in. However, once I got into making the clock, I realized, it should be a bit more than a clock. That’s when the Nixie Entertainment System was born.
I couldn’t just leave it as a clock. Especially after I saw a post about using the Raspberry Pi minicomputer as a game console emulator. After replanning the inside layout a bit, and a lot of work on the milling machine, I found room for it all. By slinging the ArduiNIX to the side wall, that gives me enough room for the switches, the Tube board and mounting bracket, and the Raspberry Pi sitting about where the ArduiNIX used to sit.
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Low-profile microSD card adapter for Raspberry Pi – Make your Pi a little slimmer with this microSD card adapter board. It slides in where the SD card goes but is half the length. Pop in a microSD card for a sleeker machine. The microSD card holder is a push-push type so you can push on the edge that sticks out to remove the card when necessary. (read more)
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Hey thanks so much for posting this, it was a great project, and I couldn’t have done it without getting stuff from Adafruit!
Thanks again!