3D @ World Maker Faire: Coney Island Scan-A-Rama #3DThursday #3DPrinting


Now that software such as ReconstructMe and Skanect exist, it is now possible to create impressive 3D portraits of your family, friends, and heroes — but designer and Coney Island evangelist Fred Kahl, the Great Fredini, demonstrated this past weekend what it looks like to accomplish this activity at a very high level, while still sticking to affordable, off-the-shelf Kinect sensors and a DIY vertical slider available to everyone.

As he was packing up, he said, referring to the tremendous numbers of scans he has to date completed and printed, “Wow, this is getting to be a two box project — look at them all stacked up on top of each other!” (Photo at bottom. 😉 )

And attendees and staff really took notice: the booth picked up 6 Editor’s Choice and 3 Educators Choice Awards. There is also a photo below of one of his subjects, young maker superstar Joey Hudy, who had his own talks and presentations on 3D body scanning. Check out some of the activities around this very popular booth at
The Great Fredini’s Cabinet of Curiosities:

Wow! What a weekend. Scan-A-Rama was a huge success at World Maker Faire New York! We made 3D portraits of hundreds of people and were visited by all the celebrities of the Maker Scene. I also met a number of Kickstarter backers and was able to make scans of them…..

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