Pricing 3D Models for A Shapeways Store #3DThursday #3DPrinting #makerbusiness

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Check out these helpful tips for pricing items in a Shapeway store, over on the Shapeways Blog:

Pricing models is a challenge every Shapie Shop Owner faces. In this emerging marketplace of 3D Printing storefronts, guidance and advice on perceived value is imperative. Today, Kim, one of our product superstars, breaks down pricing and markup so you can optimize your shop for success.


Though sometimes overlooked, product pricing helps shoppers form first impressions about the value of your product, the type of products you sell, and the type of shop you own.

Pricing also tells a story, and by setting the right price, you can make yours more compelling—and attractive to customers.


Shapeways is a unique marketplace where printing and manufacturing costs are factored in early on. So, as a Shapeways Shop Owner, all you need to think about is how much profit you’d like to make. Let’s start by looking at what a price is composed of. 

The first part is the base price, which is the price you would pay to purchase the model for yourself. Second is the markup, which is the amount of money you want to make off each sale of your product. Add these two together, and you have your final price.

* Excludes shipping. EUR prices are displayed with VAT.


Your profit is determined by YOU. Your chosen markup is how much you’ll make each time a customer purchases your product, so it’s important to keep in mind your audience as you consider the final price. There is no set markup amount or percentage that will always work, but here are some guiding factors to consider….

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