Ratsberri Pi – a Hallowe’en project @RaspberryPi #piday #raspberrypi

HariEdo‘s Ratsberri Pi!

I found some squeaky rubber rats at the local dollar store last year. Of course I had to buy ten of them, and then work on some sort of project later. Once I got my Raspberry Pi, I knew I had to combine these into a Hallowe’en decoration project.

* 2S hobby lipo (2S4P in this configuration) for 7.4V
* 2x Sparkfun 5V/3.3V breadboard power regulator, modified to remove PTC fuses
* Raspberry Pi Model B Rev 1
* Adafruit Pi Cobbler GPIO breakout
* Adafruit 16 Channel i2c PWM Servo Controller
* 10x Tower Pro SG92R micro servos (via Adafruit)
* 20x 5mm Red LEDs
* 10x 330 Ohm resistors
* 10x 1 meter Futaba-style servo extensions (via eBay)
* 10x 6 cm Futaba-style servo extensions (hand assembled)
* 10x dollar store rat toys
* 2x solderless breadboards and a few wires
* USB micro B plug (chopped a USB plug) to power Raspberry Pi
* Hot Glue to form insulators and standoffs

Music is “Noir Guitar” by Stevie’s Amp Shack – Creative Commons.

Original post here.

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