Jorge Zuniga in the e-NABLE community has been exploring how to use Rolyan Orthoplast to produce gauntlets for open prosthetics, a more expensive, traditional material for sheathing and direct contact with the human body for prosthetics. He has been exploring ways to combine this gauntlet more directly with the design for Robohands.
Just order and received few sheets of Rolyan Orthoplast (6″ X 9″, 1% Perforated) to create a hand gauntlet for the new version of the Robohand. I marked it first, then I applied heat for about 1 min, then I cut it and attached it to the interior of the Robohand using Chicago screws. This design allows you two different settings (there two holes, but a third can be added). I’m thinking in putting elastic bands at the bottom of the Othoplast palm.
Read more. (NOTE: e-NABLE is a closed community for reasons of protecting those they volunteer to help, but they add new members very quickly if you want to participate in the conversation there.)
Friday, October 25th @ 8pm will be the closing hangout for Make The World: Prosthetics, a one month program on Google+ aimed at crowdsourcing the manufacturing and delivery of printed prosthetics to people in need, hosted by Adafruit’s Limor Fried, Matt Griffin and Phillip Torrone. Today on #3dthursday we will share about a number of exciting developments and intriguing directions from #maketheworld so far in preparation for this event.
Key partners on the program include Robohand, MakerBot, The Open Hand Project, Anthromod, Prosthetics for Prosperity, eNABLE, The Lucky Fin Project and Hands for Africa.
Adafruit’s Makers, Hackers, Artists and Engineers Community under the subsection “Make the World” is hosting this month long effort. Community members post up what they can help with, suggest people in need, and pictures of their accomplishments/builds. In addition Makers will be able to find support for the creation of assistive devices and open prosthetics in the eNABLE Community on Google+.