NEW PRODUCT – Super Scratch Programming Adventure!

Adafruit 2318

NEW PRODUCT – Super Scratch Programming Adventure! Scratch is the wildly popular ­educational programming language used by ­millions of first-time learners in classrooms and homes worldwide. By dragging ­together colorful blocks of code, kids can learn computer programming concepts and make cool games and animations. The latest version, Scratch 2, brings the language right into your web browser, with no need to download software.

In Super Scratch Programming Adventure!, kids learn programming fundamentals as they make their very own playable video games. They’ll create projects inspired by classic arcade games that can be programmed (and played!) in an afternoon. Patient, step-by-step explanations of the code and fun programming challenges will have kids creating their own games in no time.

This full-color comic book makes programming concepts like variables, flow control, and subroutines effortless to absorb. Packed with ideas for games that kids will be proud to show off, Super Scratch Programming Adventure! is the perfect first step for the budding programmer.

Now Updated for Scratch 2 (To download the games for Scratch v1.4 Click Here)

The free Super Scratch Educator’s Guide provides commentary and advice on the book’s games suitable for teachers and parents.

For Ages 8 and Up

About the Author: The Learning through Engineering, Art, and Design (LEAD) Project is an educational initiative established to encourage the development of creative thinking through the use of technology. Created by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups in collaboration with the MIT Media Lab, the LEAD project promotes hands-on, design-based activities to foster innovation, problem solving skills, and technical literacy.

In stock and shipping now!

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