Thankful for… 2013 by the Adafruit team #thanksgiving

From the Adafruit family to yours – Ladyada and the entire Adafruit team would like to wish you a happy Thanksgiving. It’s a day to be thankful for the freedom to pursue dreams and share ideas with others.

Thanksgiving is a reminder that we can all come together to do great things and make the future something we’re all proud of.

Thank you everyone out there who has supported Adafruit over the years, we’re thankful you’ve given us these opportunities, and we’re thankful we can give back.

We asked the Adafruit team what they’re thankful for this year, here are some of the things they said (below/click more!)! We’ll be tweeting/g+’ing them too! Happy Thanksgiving everyone from Adafruit!

Happy Thanksgiving,
Ladyada and the Adafruit team

I’m thankful to work for a company that respects their customers (as well as their employees!), and for the unique opportunity to play my small part in getting interesting tools and building blocks into the hands of other people, and seeing what amazing and unexpected things they do with them!

I’m thankful for a line of work that kicks. my. ass. every. single. day, in a field that encourages creativity and experimentation, collaborating with some of the brightest people on the planet. Who needs lottery tickets when you have all that?

I’m thankful for the wonderful people at Adafruit, and the fact that someday the shipping team will have argued every topic there is to argue.

I am thankful that I finally work for a place where kindness and mutual respect are the norm, a place in which employees work hard and efficiently not under fear of consequence but because we have a stake in the company – each of us are allowed a voice and opinion as important as any other. We are empowered as equals rather than dismissed and discouraged as less than vital. Thank you!

I’m thankful to work for a company that values its employees’ hard work and dedication.

I’m thankful to work at a company that makes the world a better place, and to be surrounded all day with people who genuinely care about each other and their work. Oh! And I’m thankful for latkes on Thanksgiving. And a working brain with which I can comprehend and appreciate all of this.

I’m thankful for a family full of love and great friends. And delicious food!

I am thankful that despite completely uprooting my entire college career during my first semester senior year, I somehow managed to not only land on my feet but also find an amazing place to work (thank you Adafruit). I’m also thankful for my awesome coworkers in Fabrication and everyone else who not only have welcomed me with open arms but are also great people to work with.

I’m thankful that I get to come into work every day with so many amazing people. I’m thankful that most of the time, I’d rather be at work than at home, and I’m thankful that most of my favorite people in the world all work at Adafruit.

I am thankful for my loving girlfriend, my dear family, and finally, the opportunity to cut things with lasers.

I’m thankful for the 12:12 stretch each day with my fellow gatherers. I’m also thankful for the daily inspiration and support from Limor and Phil, my co-workers, my girlfriend Kate, and my friends and family.

I am thankful to work for such an amazing company that is filled with people who are passionate as I am about empowering makers around the world.

I’m thankful to be excited to come into work everyday and be surrounded by such a smart and friendly crew doing awesome wave-making work! i’m thankful I don’t have a job where I stare at the clock waiting to leave. also, i’m thankful for my cat, Ray Bradbury, all things BBC, and seltzer.

I’m thankful for an awesome group of family, friends, and co-workers, and that I get the chance to express my personality, interests and passions every day at work and beyond.

I’m thankful to be associated with such an incredible group of people and for the culture of creativity, sharing, hard work and fun that they have built here at Adafruit. I’m thankful for the opportunity to learn something new every day and for the ability to share that knowledge with the Adafruit community.

I’m thankful that open source hardware and software developers from around the world can work together to build amazing things people want to use.

I’m thankful for my family, my friends, my girlfriend, and the freedom that Adafruit gives me pursue my interests outside of work as well as everything I’m interested in doing here. Especially the Adafruit part – thank you for everything I really can’t imagine a better place to work.

I’m thankful to have found an open and welcoming workplace that encourages me to explore new areas of knowledge. I’m thankful that i can get confused, figure out how to solve a problem, learn something new, and leave work looking forward to coming back and doing it again the next day.

I’m thankful to be surrounded by passionate people in every area of my life.

I am thankful to be able to honestly say that I love what I do and am appreciated by the ones I do it for. I’m grateful to be part of a team made up of such creative, talented, hard working and, not to mention, hilarious people. I look forward to the continuing success of Adafruit! Happy Turkey Day guys!! 🙂

I’m thankful for working at such a great progressive company with the talent to back it. Nothing is more gratifying then being able to create things on daily basis that assist in electronics education.

I’m grateful for the opportunity to thrive in such a creative and passionate community of excellent people, both online and off. Every day I find inspiration and motivation in the kind hearts of my colleagues at Adafruit and our growing constituency of talented makers. Oh, and pie. There’s pie, right? I was told there would be pie.

The fact that so many people are willing to share their knowledge in order to help others always amazes me. To anyone who’s ever posted a tip, tutorial, guide, answer, or helpful article on the web – Thank You!

i’m thankful to work with group of people who want to make the world a smarter place through sharing electronics and knowledge, through kindness and hard work, who are excellent to each other and who care about adafruit and our community so much. i’m thankful there is something we need to do each today together.

I’m thankful for the opportunity to support, encourage, and celebrate an amazing community of makers, hackers, and geniuses. They not only brighten my days with their humor, imagination, and ingenuity, but they are also actively bringing many things into existence that the world really needs right now.

I am thankful to work for a company that fights for the users, to have a team that can work hard and play hard at the same time, and to live in interesting times.

I’m thankful for a great flexible job that allows me to go home for the holidays. Also, I’m very thankful to whoever invented Trader Joe’s cookie butter. That stuff is delicious.

i’m thankful for adafruit unearthing all my old music and helping me put it out in the world. and for making every single day challenging, rewarding and awesome.

I am thankful that I have my dream job @ Adafruit, and that I get to do it from the treehouse office that my husband built for me in beautiful San Diego.

I am thankful for all the miracles that have blessed my family and myself!
I am thankful for the great people that I work with at Adafruit!!
I am thankful that I can share my feelings like this!

I’m thankful to be back in NY near my family and working with my friends at a wonderful job. I am also thankful for anyone who holds the door or passes the sriracha.

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Stop breadboarding and soldering – start making immediately! Adafruit’s Circuit Playground is jam-packed with LEDs, sensors, buttons, alligator clip pads and more. Build projects with Circuit Playground in a few minutes with the drag-and-drop MakeCode programming site, learn computer science using the CS Discoveries class on, jump into CircuitPython to learn Python and hardware together, TinyGO, or even use the Arduino IDE. Circuit Playground Express is the newest and best Circuit Playground board, with support for CircuitPython, MakeCode, and Arduino. It has a powerful processor, 10 NeoPixels, mini speaker, InfraRed receive and transmit, two buttons, a switch, 14 alligator clip pads, and lots of sensors: capacitive touch, IR proximity, temperature, light, motion and sound. A whole wide world of electronics and coding is waiting for you, and it fits in the palm of your hand.

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