#3DxMuseum – Brooklyn Museum: How about a nice game of 3D printed chess? #3DThursday #3DPrinting #3DScanning

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David Huerta has been sharing this past year about Brooklyn Museum’s exploration of 3D printing, with a focus on accessibility and new ways to share the collection with the Brooklyn Museum community. Here is one of their projects from early this month: How about a nice game of 3D printed chess?

Earlier this year, we started exploring how 3D printing could enhance the visitor experience and began by introducing it on that month’s sensory tour. In addition to tours, we also host film screenings and as my colleague Elisabeth mentioned, this Saturday, September 28th we’ll be hosting a special screening of Brooklyn Castle, a film about a local school with a talented chess team that crushed more chess championships than any other school in the US. Since the screening also includes some chess playing outside the film, we figured it would be great to tie that into the context of the museum’s collection by curating and scanning our own 3D printed chess set….

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