PiMSO a Raspberry Pi Powered 200 Msa/S Oscilloscope @Raspberry_Pi #piday #raspberrypi

We saw the PiMSO, a RPi powered 200 Msa/S oscilloscope, at OHS 2013 and wanted to share this great project:

PiMSO, is a Raspberry Pi controlled 200Msa/s mixed signal oscilloscope. PiMSO, a spinoff of WebMSO, is an experimental project to understand the necessary components required to deploy the MSO-28 mixed signal oscilloscope on mobile devices. With the ever growing list of mobile platforms, it became very difficult for PC based instruments developer such as Link to keep up with the demands to supply driver applications for various platforms. Upon examining the complexities required with different solutions, we arrived on a client/server solution. The client part would be web browser based, because of the near universal availability on most devices. Browser based also meant driver free deployment on the mobile devices. The challenge would be to create an affordable gateway server to the MSO-28. After experimenting with various embedded solutions, we realized that we cannot manufacture an affordable solution at our sales volume. With the availability of existing low cost ARM based devices on the market, it would be more economical for our MSO users to leverage these and roll their own solution while we provide server side hardware driver support.

Read more and check out the how-to wiki here!

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