NeoPixel LED Strip Clock

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Tim Bartlett shared his LED Strip Clock built around a Teensy and a 1-meter 60-NeoPixel LED strip — with a few tweaks you might be a ble to cheer on the changing of the NeoPixel in the comfort of your home instead of shivering in Time Square for the ball drop!

I just put together a clock with Adafruit’s 60-NeoPixel LED strip, running off a Teensy 3.0 microcontroller. The flexible 1-meter strip has 60 RGB lights, so different colors represent the second, minute, and hour — you can read it like a normal clock if it’s in a circle, but you can also leave it in a straight line or drape it over something for the Salvador Dalí look.

…The LED clock lets you pick different color schemes, add faint dots every 5 or 15 minutes (or none), and turn on blinking hour “chimes.” Right now you need to set these options in the Arduino IDE and re-upload, but I’ll add the ability to change that with buttons or a knob at some point.

View or download the code here.

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