NYC Resistor RGB LED tape class!
Event Details:
Saturday, January 11, 2014 from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM (EST) Brooklyn, NY
Become a master of LED illumination with the BlinkyTape!
The Blinkinlabs crew will be in New York for a special three-hour workshop to teach you everything you want to know about using BlinkyTape to make your LED-powered dreams come to life! Bring your best idea and you’ll walk out with a working prototype. Want to make a LED alarm clock? Color-based stock ticker? Secret color-coded transmitter? Hypnotizing BlinkyHat? Awesome, let’s make it happen.
We’ll demonstrate the BlinkyTape and then delve right into an in-depth discussion where you’ll learn how to make simple animations, first using our visual software and then by programming in Arduino and Processing. You’ll learn to use several libraries to implement your ideas, including FastSPI and our custom BlinkyTape class, as well as the power and space constraints you need to keep in mind. You’ll also learn how to cut the tape and integrate it with different materials for wearables, physical installations and light painting.
Featured Adafruit Products!
BlinkyTape by Blinkinlabs: BlinkyTape is a very special LED strip, taking the smarts of NeoPixels and combining it with an Arduino-compatible for an all-in-one ready to go design. You don’t have to source your own microcontroller, power supply or connectors. Simply plug in a standard USB battery pack or wall charger, and you’re good to blink