Jacket Harnesses Wind Power #WearableWednesday

While some are exploring the use of solar energy with clothing, Kolon Sport is exploring wind energy, according to Design Week. Its Life Tech jacket has a tri-layered system for water and wind protection, and also features a first aid and survival kit. But the real interest lies in its power generation capability.

It also features a wind-turbine mounted on the jacket sleeve, which can be angled to generate power throughout the day when the wearer is on the move. It can be used to power devices such as GPS and smartphones, as well as the jacket’s built-in Heatex system, which provides up to seven hours of heat up to a temperature of 40-50ºC.

The wind turbine can also be attached to the side of a tent at night for continued energy harvesting.

The jacket was developed by Semourpowell to address basic needs such as shelter, warmth and communication.

Ian Whatley, associate design director at SeymourPowell, says, ‘The concept was born from invaluable insights gathered by working with leading experts in extreme survival; so we’re absolutely confident that the design and features are based on solid foundations.

Although this garment is designed for survival, it may have a use in windy cities. Could a daily commute include wind power? Attaching a turbine at the elbow allows for hand movement and stride, but perhaps it could be done on the back of belts or on top of hats. Just a few weeks ago, wind turbines the size of rice were in the news, so perhaps wind energy in our threads will eventually be common.

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1 Comment

  1. I searched around a while ago for wind power generators in situations where solar wasnt practical. I’d be keen to see something like this come to adafruit.

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