3D Design Software – Pixologic Sculptris #3DThursday #3DPrinting

This week, I am sharing about 3D design software that I recommend for those who want to get started with design and modeling for 3D printing.

Popular freeware sculpting tool Sculptris has been in active development since 2009, but has now been brought under the banner of Pixologic, the creators of ZBrush.

While Scultpris is more intuitive and powerful than most of the sculpting tools you might find bundled into another package, it is nice to also see that you can translate skills picked up in Sculptris to its big sister ZBrush when you outgrow the pixel count and toolset of this handy learning tool. There are a number of 3D artists who always start in Sculptris when they are testing out ideas, before moving the digital model into another package to finish and texture it.

While there are tons of excellent resources for learning Sculptris — my favorite resources are Ryan Kittleson‘s excellent Sculpting with Sculptris tutorials either on YouTube or Lynda.com!

From the Pixologic Sculptris site:

Sculptris provides an excellent gateway into the exciting world of 3D. It’s features are easy to learn, even for someone with no experience in digital art, yet robust enough for creating base models that can then be refined in other applications, such as ZBrush.

Take your art to the next level

ZBrush is the most widely-used digital sculpting application in today’s market and is the industry Standard. When you’re ready to take your Sculptris creations to the next level for detailing, rendering and integration into even the largest of projects, we welcome you to ZBrush with its host of robust, unique and revolutionary tools.

When you’re ready to take art to the next level, the skills that you’ve learned in Sculptris easily translate to ZBrush.

Read more.

Featured Work Created with App

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