Narrative Clip: Photographic memory for everybody #WearableWednesday wrote up this piece on Narrative Clip- a new product that will let you visually remember almost everything that happens to you. You can pick one up here for $279.

Narrative Clip is a lifelogging camera worn on your T-shirt, blouse or jacket that takes a picture of your surroundings every 30 seconds. Equipped with a 5 megapixel camera, a GPS and a compass, the Narrative collects contextual information for each shot such as location and cardinal directions, in order to make it easier to sort and view the pictures. This generates a personal lifelog of the places you visit, the people you meet and the situations you experience. In practice this works quite simply – the clip, which is about the size of an iPod nano, can be comfortably and inconspicuously attached to your clothing. To pause the lifelog, you can simply put the clip in your pocket or face it with the lens down.

The pictures are transferred by connecting the Narrative Clip to a Mac or PC via a micro USB cable. The pictures are then transferred from the lifelogging camera to the computer and from there are uploaded to Narrative´s server. There, the pictures are sorted by quality and by setting. They can then be viewed on a smartphone app, which composes the pictures into so-called “moments” and where blurry, dark or otherwise qualitatively inferior pictures can be automatically rejected if desired. The pictures’ detour through the computer and Narrative´s server also has its technical reasons. Due to the sheer amount of data, a direct transfer to smartphones would be impracticable and even most computers cannot cope with the flood of pictures. With up to two gigabytes data each day and several terabytes a year, most users would soon be overwhelmed by saving and backing up their photos. Furthermore, Narrative is planning an online profile and an API in addition to the app that would allow integrating the recorded moments into other web-based applications.

Read more.

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