Raspberry Pi announces the establishment of their Education Fund!
We are pleased to announce the establishment of the Raspberry Pi Education Fund. The Raspberry Pi Education Fund is a worldwide fund of £1 million that seeks to foster and support projects that help advance the education and understanding of computing of children aged between 5 and 18 years of age.
Successful applicants will be those who have demonstrated that their projects will enhance children’s understanding of computing; or show how knowledge of computing enhances learning in other subjects – particularly, but not exclusively, STEM and the creative arts. Project proposals can target either formal or informal education, and we welcome applications from voluntary organisation and clubs. We also welcome proposals that promote training and continued professional development of professional teaching staff as part of their overall project goals. Project proposals do not have to use or exploit Raspberry Pi technology: the emphasis of the fund is on the charitable mission. Overall, the Foundation seeks to support a range of projects: from those that increase participation, to those that target excellence.
Given the charitable nature of the Foundation prioritisation will be given to organisations that have a not-for-profit ethos, and all applications should be able to demonstrate a credible plan of execution.
In order to promote sustainability and wider community engagement, the fund will operate on a match funding basis, whereby the Foundation will provide up to 50% of the total projected costs. Successful applicants will have demonstrated they have the financial backing to fund the remainder of the projected costs. Co-funding may come from a variety of sources including other charitable foundations, government funding, private individuals, corporate donations or crowd-sourcing. We will only support project were we can adequately track and audit the use of the funds.