Moving while gaming improves learning #makereducation

Research from The Embodied Game for Learning Lab shows that educational gaming is most effective when movement is involved! via

The Embodied Games for Learning (EGL) lab group transforms education through vibrant and collaborative “get out of your seat” games that empower learners to comprehend content through gesture-based learning.

We specialize in creating and assessing the efficacy of STEM and Health Science games in formal and informal learning environments

Games like Alien Health (see the video below) are aimed at teaching kids about nutrition and health while also engaging them in physical activity!

A groundbreaking exer-game created to both instruct in nutrition and encourage youth to exercise. The game instructs 2nd through 10th graders about nutrition and the UDSA MyPlate icon. It gets them out of their seats and performing short exercises in order to help a foundling Alien save our planet from an asteroid. Players received practice on rapid decision making that will serve them well when they must make quick choices about which food item to grab in a cafeteria line or at a convenience store.

Read more.

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