Mass Effect’s Dr. Liara T’Soni is a researcher so I have a feeling she’d appreciate all the work cosplayer Dahlia Thomas put into making a costume based on her. She did a tremendous job not only with sculpting T’Soni’s head but also painting it. The gradation of blues looks perfect. She documented the build process for the head piece, and it’s fascinating to watch it come together. Here’s how she started:
1. I sprayed a lot of Krylon clear coat on this, cried a little, andI put water based clay to separate each side of the sculpt.
2. I smoothed out the wall of clay with an old credit card I had that’s invalid because someone was ordering porn and stamp makers from India with. Damn fraudulent charges. Most expensive clay tool ever, but I digress.
3. I added “Registration Keys” so when casting I can get a tight fitting case and enclose them together. That’s for when I pour the latex.
I’m also prepping the plaster as well. I’m wearing a respirator because this is dusty and I don’t want to get inhale it. Not only that, I just spray painted something before hand and I forgot to take this off. — with Those knobs are Registration Keys.
4. I add my first layer of plaster onto the sculpt. This is important, if you miss a spot, you don’t get any details of scales and tentacles that you worked super hard on.
See more photos of the head sculpt in progress at Dahlia’s Facebook page.
via Geek x Girls, photo by Sorairo-days Cosplay & Photography