DIY gas leak detector using BeagleBone Black #beagleboneblack @TXInstruments @beagleboardorg

Another great project from Ryan Slaugh with Make.

The Atmospheric Gas Detector Kit gives you the components needed to detect different kinds of gases. In this episode of “Projects with Ryan Slaugh”, we will go through the steps of setting up the base experiment from the book included with the kit.

However, detecting gas in the atmosphere wont be where we stop. Some of my larger projects include a custom BBQ trailer and custom camping trailer. Part of the designs are propane gas connections. To test these connections for leaks I decided to use one of the sensors from the Gas Detector kit and some PVC pipe. The resulting prototype is shown in the video.

This video demonstrates sensor interfacing, control using switching transistors, and data smoothing with alarm level calculations.

Read more.

BeagleBone Adafruit Industries Unique fun DIY electronics and kits

Each Tuesday is BeagleBone Black Day here at Adafruit! What is the BeagleBone? The BeagleBones are a line of affordable single-board Linux computers (SBCs) created by Texas Instruments. New to the Bone? Grab one of our Adafruit BeagleBone Black Starter Packs and check out our extensive resources available on the Adafruit Learning System including a guide to setting up the Adafruit BeagleBone IO Python Library. We have a number of Bone accessories including add-on shields (called “capes”) and USB devices to help you do even more with your SBC. Need a nice display to go along with your Bone? Check out our fine selection of HDMI displays, we’ve tested all of them with the Beagle Bone Black!

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1 Comment

  1. That board is “Arduino” not BeagleBoard. Check it out.

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