Use a sharpie marker to color filament any color! #3DThursday #3DPrinting


Mathew Beebe shares a super useful method of coloring filament with sharpie marker!

The ‘Ultimate Filament Colorer’ works by feeding 1.75mm filament directly through the ink cartridge of a Sharpie marker of anyone’s favorite color,” explained Mathew Beebe to in an interview. “The filament is completely coated by the ink inside the Sharpie ink cartridge. The ‘Ultimate Filament Colorer’ can be installed directly before the hot-end / extruder of a printer, which allows it to also function as a filament cleaner, since the ink cartridge of the Sharpie marker consists of a fiber/foam type material which catches dust particles quite nicely.

He mentions that 1 marker could last for about 1kg of filament!

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1 Comment

  1. Awesome idea! I remember in third grade it was all the rage when someone figured out that you could take the inside of a crayola marker and put it into your elmer’s glue to turn the glue any color you wanted… this is even better!

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