A Wearable TARDIS

tardis costume

Why dress as just the Doctor when you can be the Doctor and the TARDIS at the same time? Instructables user Red5ive fashioned one for his son in only three days. He mostly used cardboard that he obtained from a local electronics and TV dealer; he attached it to a simple frame of wood strips. While it may not be able to travel through time and space, the finished TARDIS does look completely awesome. Here’s how he made the sides:

I took one sheet of cardboard and cut it to the size of the frame. Make sure when you cut each panel that you only cover the top 1×1/2 lumber square by a 1/4 inch or less. you will need to attach more cardboard above these panels later on.

Once I had my sheet I had to work out the dimensions of the door details (panels and windows). I measured out the height (103.5cm) and width (64cm) and then worked out dimensions to make the eight panels all the same size. The windows count as panels as their dimensions are the same as a panel.

See the image for the dimensions of my Tardis.

With the amount of cutting that will be needed I recommend getting yourself a pack of new blades. Changing the blades often makes the cutting go smoother and your hands will thank you by the time you are done. I used a metal straight edge and a cutting mat so as to save my floor.

tardis dimensions

Read more at Instructables.

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