Huggable Ludo Costume

ludo costume

Labyrinth’s Ludo may be a big and imposing looking creature, but he’s actually sweet and timid. ModMischief made the costume for her boyfriend and used everything from modeling clay to coat hangers to makeup sponges. For the mask, she started by making a face cast with plaster cloth, specifically Rigid Wrap. She built up different areas of the mask, like the eyebrows, with paper towels and masking tape (haven’t heard that one before!) and more plaster cloth. Modeling clay was used to sculpt the shape of the face.

The jaw is a separate piece that she had to attach, and she started with cardboard:

Trace the outline of the upper lip onto cardboard and cut it out.

Untwist the coast hanger and bend it into a curve that matches the cardboard piece.

Tape the cardboard to the wire.

Bend the ends of the wire into an “L” shape. Bend the ends of the L into hooks.

Create a chin hold by shaping thin cardboard into a cone and taping it to the base of the jaw piece. Add some of the cosmetic sponges to make it more comfortable.

Sew a length of elastic onto the top of the tuque. Sew a metal ring to both ends of the elastic. We used hardware from an old purse but you could use a key ring.

Have your volunteer put on the mask and adjust the wire until the jaw piece sits comfortably on the chin and moves naturally when he speaks.

Build up the shape on the jaw with paper towel and masking tape. Make two teeth from cones of cardboard and tape them on.

Papier mache and then add clay as you did to the rest of the face.

ludo mask in progress

Read more about making the costume at Instructables.

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