Five Ways to Use Tupperware in Cosplay


I know I’m not the only one who has a cupboard full of tupperware. Half the containers don’t have matching lids, but I rarely get rid of any of them because you just never know. The lightweight plastic of both the containers and lids can be used for building costumes, so go ahead and go through your stash. See what extras you have and instead of throwing them away, toss them in a box for cosplay odds and ends. Keeping a single box or tote full of miscellaneous everyday objects is reasonable, and you never know when items from your stash will help you get past a creative roadblock. Here are five ideas for putting tupperware to use:

Make a hat – Tupperware seems to come in every shape and size from shallow squares to big rectangles to giant bowls, and that means it’s great to use for head wear. The weight won’t be too much, and you can paint it any color you wish. I recommend starting with a coat of primer. Stack up boxy containers to create a tiered hat or use the bowls for a domed style. You could probably incorporate round containers into a helmet, too.

X-wing pilot chest box

Image via The Prop Den

Chest box – Characters like Darth Vader and X-wing pilots from Star Wars have chest boxes as part of their costume. The shape of the boxes practically screams tupperware boxes. Besides being the right size and weight, it would be easy to cut through the bottom of the container in order to add buttons or switches. You could also glue any embellishments right onto the plastic. Need to build out the sides of the chest box? Use air-dry clay to add bulk or to sculpt any shapes that extrude from the chest box.

Knee or shoulder pads – Larger square containers fit like a glove over your kneecap, and rectangular tupperware can be sliced and put over your shoulders. The knee or shoulder pads could attach to other pieces of armor or clothing. To secure it to fabric, a more permanent option is punching holes around the edges and sewing the pads on. If you want to keep the knee pads as separate pieces though, add slots in the sides and use a strap to keep it in place around your leg. You could rig it with elastic or velcro.

Use as templates – Need a circular, square, or rectangular shape to trace onto material such as craft foam for your costume? Start looking through your tupperware stash. The lids could even have a texture you may want to use if you’re working with a material like modeling clay. As long as you only use the tupperware with non-toxic materials, you can wash them and put them right back in your kitchen.


Jewels – Sometimes armor or gauntlets feature giant jewels. That’s the best kind of armor in my opinion. She-Ra’s costume features an example. Embellishments like that can be sculpted, but since plastic containers come in several sizes from tiny to large, you can probably find a suitable piece to pop into your armor. Since tupperware containers usually have a lip, you can install the jewels from the inside out with no trouble. In fact, you may not even have to glue them in for them to stay attached.

Top image by Daniel.

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