Build Your Own Oak Raspberry Pi Case for Under $10 @Raspberry_Pi #piday #raspberrypi

Instructables user sandshock posted a great tutorial on how to build an oak case for your raspberry pi for under $10!

Not wanting my raspberry pi to just sit on my desk unprotected (and frankly, kind of boring), I went in search of a case. However, most of the cases which caught my fancy were quite expensive, anywhere from $20 to $45! So, instead I decided to make my own instead. Originally, I was planning on using plexiglass or acrylic for my case, however, upon wandering around home depot trying to find these, I came upon some cheap sheets of red oak which looked very nice. That then, ended up being what this case is made out of. However, you can use any type of wood you fancy. If what you use is thicker than what I used here (1/4″), then you will need to adjust the lengths of screws which you buy. This is my first instructable, so I hope that you guys enjoy! I am also open to any feedback you guys have on how I can improve anything.

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