Edge of Tomorrow Costume Made with Household Objects

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Peter Kokis is no stranger to building elaborate costumes from household objects. We’ve featured his Xenomorph before, and now we’re taking a look at his cosplay inspired by Tom Cruise’s character Cage in Edge of Tomorrow. When I say household objects, I mean it. Mouse traps, egg slicers, outlet covers – you name it. It’s a costume that seemingly includes everything but the kitchen sink. The finished armor weighs 130lbs, and Kokis estimates he spent 300 hours working on the costume. He listed some of the more interesting parts used:

hair clipper spacer, 6 toilet paper roll holders, air hose, digital voltmeter, handy talky, ergonomic bottle opener, 6 lawn sprinklers, weightlifting belt, 4 shoe formers, 7 kneepads, 3 bicycle frame bottle holders, 3 egg slicers, 3 water gun mags, 52 velcro straps, 3 compasses, door hinge, 5 flashlights, 6 flower pot bases, telephone cords, 2 hacksaw handles, lots of ice skate blade guards, 2 toolbox lids, toolkit box, 4 utility boxes, nomex flight gloves, faux flight suit, Army boots, lots of military web gear, headband, 3 faucet strainers, paintball mask, ski goggles, sport helmet, 4 hockey leg guards, 2 shin guards, ShopVac parts, door closer parts, 4 spraypaint can pistol grips, embroidered skull, wire bundle hangers, outdoor outlet cover, nylon rope, thermos parts, swimmers’ kick board, fish tank manifold, 4 storage bin dividers, 2 electrical connector bars, 2 radiator knobs, toy truck parts, toy rifle, lots of plumbing supplies, lots of vitamin and soda bottlecaps, lots of electrical tubing

See more photos at Kokis’ website.

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via Kotaku, photos by Alan Camuto

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