Learn How to Become Ms. Frizzle

Ms. Frizzle Costume

If you haven’t heard the news, The Magic School Bus is coming back! Netflix is bringing a modernized version of the series to its streaming service in 2016. To celebrate the return of a wonderful educational series, let’s look at how to make a Ms. Frizzle costume. Valerie Felicity Frizzle is an eccentric and awesome teacher, and her outfit says a lot about her personality. Serendipitous Discovery put together the cosplay with a button-up dress she found at Goodwill for $6, an old sheet covered in planets and stars, and a few other accessories. She started by cutting planets out of the sheet:

I unbuttoned the dress, and laid it out on the table. I did this, to try to make sure I wasn’t gluing the dress together when I was gluing on the planets. So, the next part was just placing the planets on the dress, trying to not have two of the same ones next to each other. Next, I applied an even coat of fabric glue to the back of the planets, and stuck them back down.

Fabric glue is very fluid, so you want to make sure you aren’t dripping it on the fabric. Especially with a material such as sateen, which isn’t very forgiving. The fabric glue takes about 2-4 hours to dry, so I hung it up on a hanger, to let it dry.

She modifed a bright color of pumps (also from a thrift store) by putting fabric planets on them, added globe earrings – which you can make or buy, and carried a book. I think this costume needs to go on my list.

Ms. Frizzle Costume wip

Read more at Serendipitous’ blog.

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