Wireless Controlled Robotic Hand tutorial. via instructables
This is my school project for the 5th year of high school.
It consists in an artificial hand controlled by a glove with
flex sensors. The artificial hand reproduces the movements of the hand with the control glove. The hand and the glove works both with Arduino.I just wanted to share my work for everyone interested 🙂
This guide is still in development, sorry if some parts are not clear, I’ll put some 3D images in future.
I’m sharing something about my project on my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Gabry295The materials needed for the control glove are:
• an elastic glove;• Lilypad Arduino board (there are different versions, which usually only have 4 analog inputs, so pay attention and buy the one in the image);
• Shield to connect the Xbee module;
• 5 Flex sensors;
• 5 resistors: 47 KΩ;
• battery pack with 3×1.5 V batteries (Lilypad can be powered from 2.7 to 5.5 V, so 4.5 V it’s ok);
• LilyPad FTDI adapter (quite optional).
The materials needed for the robotic hand are:
• a steel structure for the palm of the hand and wood for the fingers;
• Arduino UNO board;
• 5 servomotors;
• to connect the servomotors I used the Robot_Shield from FuturaElettronica, which has also a switching regulator to power the entire circuit, but you can use any shield made for that;
• Shield to connect the XBee module (I made an horrible one, but it’s economic and I needed to make it small because of the size of the Robot_Shield, you can buy even XBee shields which have also pins to connect the servomotors);
• fishing wires;
• 9 V Battery.