“Real-time programming with BeagleBone PRUs” by Jason Kridner at Chicago hackerspace PS:1 #beagleboneblack @TXInstruments @beagleboardorg

Thanks to Drew for sending in this lecture from BeagleBoard co-founder Jason Kridner on Programmable Realtime Units. Check out slides from the lecture here.

From talk at Chicago hackerspace, PumpingStationOne.org:
Jason Kridner, co-founder BeagleBoard.org and co-creator of BeagleBone,
gives an introduction to the PRUs (Programmable Realtime Units). These
microcontrollers on BeagleBone and BeagleBone Black offer powerful
capabilities for real-time applications.

I know it’s a long video so here are timestamps for topics:
00:00:00 Intro of Jason Kridner, BeagleBoard.org & BeagleBone
00:04:40 Intro to PRU (Programmable Realtime Unit) microcontrollers on
BeagleBone (What are they?; Why use them?; History; Example projects)
00:50:30 Intermission in PRU talk for Q&A
01:01:00 PRU talk per Jason’s slides continues: compiler support; hardware
architecture; linux driver support: uio_pruss versus remote_proc; PRU tools
& libraries
01:21:30 PRU pins & pinmux; mini-lecture on Device Tree: history, board
files vs DT, DT structure, DT overlays, BeagleBone usage; Cape Manager
usage; migration from Cape Manager & Device Tree overlays to Cape Universal;
config-pin utility
02:02:30 PRUspeak demo: BotSpeak interpeter on the PRU; PRUspeak is Google
Summer of Code project
02:22:30 Q&A: what will get you to use the PRU? C library? Arduino sketch
02:28:50 Using TI StarterWare C library to access peripherals from PRU;
license for StarterWare
02:41:45 END OF PRU TALK SLIDES; BEGIN general Q&A and ad-hoc demos
02:41:45 Cloud9 & Bonescript security; Cloud9 path config
02:50:30 BoneScript demo using Bone101 (runs on port 80 out of box)
02:54:00 Cloud9 new features: python, ruby
02:55:00 How bonescript communicates from browser using socket.io to node.js
on BBB
02:58:00 Python modules: PyBBIO versus Adafruit BBIO
03:03:00 More Cloud9 features; userspace Arduino runs sketches on BBB
03:07:00 systemd: how the BBB handles init, services & logging
03:10:30 Bonescript: What’s new? What’s the dev roadmap?
03:19:30 How to upgrade kernel on Debian; How to load eQEP driver
03:23:30 Kernel: status on mainline progress, running 3.14, # patches not in
03:28:30 eCAP: enhanced capture and compare hardware peripherial
03:29:45 more Bonescript demos: graph analog input with flot, misc HTML
03:45:30 jsfiddle: easy way to run Bonescript examples
03:47:40 Google Summer of Code projects for BBB
03:56:00 New browser-based image updater
04:03:00 How to change beagle.local hostname? used for mDNS (aka zeroconf)
by Avahi
04:15:15 Suprise! BBB Black has a Virtual Serial Port
04:20:00 How to do 6LoWPAN networking on BBB

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BeagleBone Adafruit Industries Unique fun DIY electronics and kits

Each Tuesday is BeagleBone Black Day here at Adafruit! What is the BeagleBone? The BeagleBones are a line of affordable single-board Linux computers (SBCs) created by Texas Instruments. New to the Bone? Grab one of our Adafruit BeagleBone Black Starter Packs and check out our extensive resources available on the Adafruit Learning System including a guide to setting up the Adafruit BeagleBone IO Python Library. We have a number of Bone accessories including add-on shields (called “capes”) and USB devices to help you do even more with your SBC. Need a nice display to go along with your Bone? Check out our fine selection of HDMI displays, we’ve tested all of them with the Beagle Bone Black!

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