A new adaptation of Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon Crystal, is almost here! The series premieres on July 5th on Hulu, and if you’re dying to make a Sailor Scout costume, DeviantArt user SparklePipsi has a incredibly detailed tutorial. She goes through each step of making the sailor fuku (the Sailor Scout uniforms) – you just have to purchase the pattern. It’s the Green Pepper “Crystal Lake” Skating Pattern. You only need about 1.5 yards of lycra and a couple colors of poplin, and lots of white ribbon. Even though you have a pattern, SparklePipsi has made a few sailor fukus and offers helpful tips – especially when it comes to the pleats. Plus, you have to make modifications to the pattern. Here’s her advice on adding the Sailor V shape to the skirts:
First, lay your skirt out flat with the front side facing up and the middle pleat centered. On the middle pleat, measure 8” from the bottom of the skirt and mark that point with a pin. Then continue to use pins to mark out the V shape of the skirt, with the top of the V ending at either side of the skirt. Refer to the picture to the left for this.
Once you mark where the V should go, stay stitch along the line you made with your pins, making sure to keep your pleats nice and flat. Once it’s all stay stitched, cut out the V like the picture in the lower right.
Now flip it over and repeat with the back of the skirt, except this time mark the tip of the V at about 9.5” from the bottom of the skirt.
You can download the complete tutorial as a PDF at DeviantArt.
Photo by Artistic Expressions