Diablo III’s Witch Doctor is one creepy looking character, and Instructables user andysmeech did an excellent job translating it from screen to real life. He used a combination of everyday objects like wire clothes hangers and building materials such as expanding foam to achieve the finished look. Here’s how he made the head piece:
As you can see I saved the hassle of having like 18 steps on this project by stitching the images together for your pleasure [pictured below]. The first image to the left is my backbone to the whole mask. I started by buying a cheap plastic mask. Attached to the plastic mask is a paper towel role with a wired clothes hanger through it to make the long horns, two cardboard nub horns and an added forehead piece, and sideburn armor. Everything is taped to hold it in place. the next image (top right) is the back bone covered in Great Stuff – it is a spray insulation foam from the hardware store. Once I covered the mask with foam I let it dry for a whole day. Once it was dry I started to carve the foam to take shape of the face and horns. Once I was was done the carving I painted the mask with spray paint and acrylics.
He said the small details really made this costume. He made the ear plugs and bone piercing with modeling clay and painted them with acrylic. The neck piece was made from rope, and he used a piece of a cheap curtain to make the tassel pendant. The potion bottles are plastic bottles filled with food coloring and water.
Read more at Instructables.