Fireflies Light Up Purse #WearableWednesday

So often fireflies trigger the imagination when it comes to wearables. What is there not to love about a tiny insect that lights up the night in a magical way? This purse by ladynthread allows you to be surrounded by fireflies any time of day, and it’s done in style.

The purse uses a Lilypad microcontroller, LED sequins and a LiPo battery. The most beautiful work is the Japanese Sashiko embroidery. I had not heard of this technique before, so here’s more info from Wikipedia.

Traditionally used to reinforce points of wear, or to repair worn places or tears with patches, this running stitch technique is often used for purely decorative purposes in quilting and embroidery. The white cotton thread on the traditional indigo blue cloth gives sashiko its distinctive appearance, though decorative items sometimes use red thread.

Notice the even stitches, which are not easily accomplished. Also, a nice battery pocket was added to finish the piece. It’s a simple, yet smart design that you can achieve. Just take a look at our LED Sequin Guide, and you can make a purse or other piece of clothing adorned with your favorite insect. I’m thinking a Lunar Moth using some green LED sequins with diffusion fabric. Don’t forget to send a pic so we can see what you’ve created!

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