Hackerspace spotlight – MakeHackVoid & Hack Melbourne (CCHS) – Asia-Pacific Region #hackerspace #makerspace


Adafruit supplies hundreds of hackerspaces and makerspaces around the world with tutorials and great electronics (with great discounts!). We also have a series of articles on how to start your own hackerspace by Eric Michaud. We’re celebrating all of them on the Adafruit blog!

Today is MakeHackVoid & Hack Melbourne (Connected Community Hackerspace) from the APAC region!


MakeHackVoid – Canberra, Australia

“MakeHackVoid, described by Us Folk magazine as “one of Canberra’s best new creative organisations”, is a makerspace that provides ACT residents with a multi-use workshop and meeting space at Ginninderra House in Belconnen.”


Hack Melbourne (CCHS) – Melbourne, Australia

“CCHS (the Connected Community HackerSpace) is a community-operated workshop, where people can meet and work on technology projects. We enjoy getting together to build new and challenging technology projects and curious gadgets for fun! We meet several times every week and welcome visitors and newcomers who wish to make things and learn about technology, e.g 3D printers or robots. You don’t need to be an expert to participate. We are continually accumulating equipment and tools, as well as the skills to use them.”

These are just 2 of our distributors in the APAC region, make sure to visit the Adafruit distributor page to view them all! We will be spotlighting Adafruit resellers from around the world on a regular basis!

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Would you like to be an Adafruit distributor?

We have a very easy reseller program and would love to have more great people and companies as distributors, resellers and hackerspaces, all of whom receive special prices on their orders.

For many of our products you get up to a 30 % discount for just 1 quantity. This allows you to get a great discount even when ordering a small amount of items and it’s great for folks who want to try out a new product in their store. As always, if you order 50 or more of these items, this discount goes up to 40%. Note! *Not ALL items have reseller pricing, these discounts are only for items that can be marked down for our resellers, but we are adding more products to this list all the time! Remember, in order to receive this discount, orders must be $250 or more, not including shipping.

We have great relationships with our distributors and are working to provide even more features for them in the future. To become one now, click here and keep in mind the following:

  1. Are you an online store, a physical store or a hackerspace that would like to distribute our products? If so, please include a link.
  2. Will your orders be at least $250 (not including shipping)?
  3. Can you pay via PayPal or credit card? For large international orders, can you pay via wire transfer?
  4. Do you have a UPS account? (This is not required, but would be helpful).

We look forward to working with you!

Have an amazing project to share? The Electronics Show and Tell is every Wednesday at 7:30pm ET! To join, head over to YouTube and check out the show’s live chat and our Discord!

Join us every Wednesday night at 8pm ET for Ask an Engineer!

Join over 38,000+ makers on Adafruit’s Discord channels and be part of the community! http://adafru.it/discord

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