Power Incarnate #JourneytotheCenteroftheCatalog


Look at it – sitting there inconspicuously, its polished metal smiling slyly, force hiding power behind its aluminum frame like a prince in a party mask.  You wondered, once, why it was so confident.  You read that it was ‘rare earth’ and you scoffed because if it was truly so rare then why was it sold at such a low price? Then, of course, you used it.

You bought an extra for your SpokePOV kit.  You were building the kit at your kitchen table and you stuck the magnet on your fridge, worried that you’d lose it. Later, you tried to get the magnet off and instantly, you understood – you could not force the magnet free.


It was then that you realized the magnet truly was ‘rare earth,’ that it was from some point on this sphere where the magma from the volcanoes, the ruptured earth from crashing tectonic plates, the wind from the hurricanes, the water from the typhoons all worked in unison to form, in its bubbling meddle, one colossal 12.7mm force.


It took you hours in your kitchen to realize that you could slide it, gently, to the side to pry it free from refrigerator.  But even then, as you you held it between your thumb and forefinger, you felt invigorated.

This was power incarnate.  How could you wield more of it?

High-strength ‘Rare Earth’ Magnet – In stock and shipping now!

Adafruit journey catalog

We have like 2000 products now.  Adafruit’s not just a SpokePov, a MintyBoost, and three people like it used to be.  And while there’s probably some guy named, like, Kyle who’s memorized every PID, every product name, and everything we’ve ever discontinued, we don’t expect all of you to be as awesome as Kyle is.  That’s why we’re starting this – because there are products in our catalog that are still exciting, still useful, and are still things that you probably want to add to your shopping carts but just don’t know it yet.  We’re calling it Journey to the Center of the Catalog – because we like Jules Verne and we like to pretend, sometimes, that Adafruit’s a giant unstoppable volcano with a bunch of really cool dinosaurs inside of it. 

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