Spiders On Speed And The Webs They Weave

Spider webspinning visibly altered when given different drugs by Meghana Keshavan via medcitynews

Drugs are whack: The intricate patternings of spider webs are completely morphed when they’re high, or so say two studies – one in 1948 and the other in 1995 – that show the stunning differences you’ll find in a spider’s webs when they’ve had caffeine, LSD, speed and a number of other drugs.

The spiders didn’t naturally come across the mind-altering substances, of course. German zoologist H.M. Peters first tested the effect of drugs on spiders in 1948. He was studying spider weaving patterns at the University of Tubingen, but found the pesky little beasties didn’t oblige his sleep schedule – they wove between 2 a.m. and 5 a.m.

Peters teamed up with Peter N. Witt, a pharmocologist, to help alter the spiders’ work schedule – with drugs. The two proceeded to feed spiders sugar water spiked with caffeine, mescaline, amphetamine, LSD and strychnine to change things up for the spiders. Needless to say, it did.

Read more: http://medcitynews.com/2014/07/wow-week-spiders-speed/#ixzz39wtyjFXR

The drugs impacted the spiders’ web size and pattern, largely because their motor skills and behavior were extremely altered after imbibing. While those with caffeine showed extremely erratic weaving patterns, the low-dosed LSD and mescaline spiders seemed to have their doors of perception widened. Well, gaps between the silk were widened, anyway, and seemed more deliberate and ordered.

Read more: http://medcitynews.com/2014/07/wow-week-spiders-speed/#ixzz39wu6CRmi

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