Featured Adafruit Google+ Community Project
(Note: Google+ login required.)
This week, Stefan G. Lesser shared his really cool LED Matrix project, which he plans to turn into a desktop clock!
My weekend waste of time: A so-called “Berlin-Uhr” prototype (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mengenlehreuhr) based on a Boarduino and an 8×8 bicolor matrix.
For those that want to decode the time: I had to split the 5-minute row into 2×8 LEDs here; the red dots are doubled to make it symmetric in the 8×8 grid. So… What’s the time shown here? 🙂
I’m planning to make this a standalone desktop clock with separate LEDs and a custom 3D-printed case, since the original distributor of those stopped production some time ago. And, frankly, these looked quite weird too, so I’m better off designing my own :-)(read more)
Featured Community Project from the Adafruit Blog
AmpLeaf: Ecological Resonance – Thanks to Ramin for sending this in! View more information on the product here.
AmpLeaf introduces a new cycle of architectural eco-infrastructure that promotes the regeneration of local and native plant species within the Valldaura region. Wind vibration energy acts as a platform for a new dialog between ecological systems and human interaction. AmpLeaf is a synthesized smart surface which is integrated into the anatomy of the forest to experiment from within, using energy directly harvested from the ecosystem and its many agents rather than energy from existing power grids. (read more)
Check out previous Community Corner posts here!
There are people making amazing things around the world, are you one of them? Join Adafruit Community! And check out scores of projects they shared this week after the jump!
Community Corner! Sharing and celebrating the creative community: Show and tell, Ask an Engineer, mailbag, Twitter, Google+, Facebook, “Makers, hackers, artists & engineers. Sharing, learning and celebrating making!