3D Hangouts with Matt Griffin, Pedro & Noe Ruiz – LIVE! Thursday at 3:00pm ET 8/28/14 (video).
This Week’s Project: 3D-Printable Mac Pi – as a Mini vMac Emulator and More
- Mac Pi – the smallest, and cutest, Mac Classic inspired project!
- Relive the glory days of 128k by building your own Mac Classic – with Adafruit electronics and a 3D printed enclosure!
- Here’s the guide and video!
- And here’s the Layer by Layer – photos and details highlighting techniques used in the making of the mini mac classic enclosure for the Raspberry Pi.
3D News – all the news that’s fit to 3D print
- Classes are coming! Do you have enough 3D filament to print your homework?
- We share a few thoughts how we chose Ultimachine ABS and PLA filament over all the other options.
- And we have NinjaFlex flexible filament as well!
- Russ shares on the Adafruit Forums: Custom Built, Modded Lyman Filament Extruder!
- 3D Loves Mac
- 3D print’s long love affair with early Apple computers. (And also all things Linux, Android, and Windows8, not to play favorites!)
- Mini Apple Macintosh, and other PC and gaming console historical miniatures by Dave Nunez / RabbitEngineering
- Apple Mac logo, the stripey one by lafe #3DlovesMac
- 3D Love Android and Linux, too! 😉
- Matter that Moves: An Exhibition of 3D-Printed Fashion @ Eyebeam on Sept 12, 6-8pm
- And more, if only there is time time!
Community Spotlight:
- Last week we shared a few 3D printing-themed #BackToSchool suggestions from Josh Ajima (DesignMakeTeach) and Laura Taalman (mathgrrl)
- This week we wrap up Adafruit’s annual #BacktoSchool celebration of educators and students by highlighting a few more 3D Educators who are contributing inspiring
- Ana Marva Fernandez @ Brooklyn Museum
- AMNH Educators Help Students Copy Bones to Learn About Paleontology
- Liz Arum: 3D Technology Project-Based Education Curriculum
- Laura Taalman, Achievement Unlocked: Day 365!!! Last day of the print-every-day-for-a-year project!
We’ll also share what’s on our build platforms at the moment, sneak peeks of future projects, and throughout all of it, we’ll keep on printing. Subscribe to the Adafruit channel on YouTube and follow us on Google+ to catch future broadcasts.
We’re warming up our printers, come hang out with us this Thursday!