Adafruit is a media sponsor for e-cuerpo, the wearables event taking place in Mexico City September 19-21. I’ll be judging the hackathon projects on Sunday via teleconference!
e-cuerpo (e-body): series of meetings, marathons for makers, design, development and collaborative manufacturing, wearable technology, hardware hacking, physical computing and aesthetic of reuse.
e-cuerpo aims to be a node for meeting, linking, sharing and exchanging knowledge, ideas, techniques, algorithms and collaborative/open technologies. The program is addressed to inventors, developers, media artists, hobbyists, hardware hackers, creative technologists and makers. The first e-cuerpo meeting + marathon event (aka MakerTon) it’s entitled wear+ D. The program for wear+ D includes conferences and workshops of wearable technology and a collaborative marathon of creation, design, development and manufacture of wearable technology.
The event will take place on September 19, 20 and 21, 2014, in the facilities of the CCD in Mexico City. During those three days, 5 multidisciplinary work teams will develop, design and manufacture a functional wearable prototype, garment or device. At the end of the time period for development, a team of specialists, academics, designers and developers of new technologies, will evaluate the projects in order to assign a single prize based on innovation, design, functionality and technical resolution of project. All projects generated in wear+ D will be developed and registered under OSHW (Open Source Software) license.
Con el objetivo de impulsar la innovación y la exploración de nuevos paradigmas tecnológicos, el Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, a través del Centro de Cultura Digital y Medialabmx abre la presente convocatoria a personas con interés y experiencia en diseño, aplicación o desarrollo de proyectos que involucren nuevas tecnologías, para postularse como participantes en el maratón wear+ D, cuya finalidad será desarrollar una prenda o dispositivo wearable.
El evento tendrá una duración de tres días, y se llevará a cabo los próximos 19, 20 y 21 de Septiembre de 2014 en las instalaciones del Centro de Cultura Digital, en la Ciudad de México.