Fun and thorough exploration of EEG by Alex Glowaski:
Buckle up, folks…
EEG, or electroencephalography, is the measurement of the brain’s electrical activity through sensors placed on the head. This activity manifests as electrical waves oscillating at different frequencies (as sound waves do, or even regular ocean waves). You’re producing many different frequencies of brainwaves at a time, and each frequency range is associated with certain types of mental activity, and tends to originate from certain areas of the brain.
EEG’s getting big! Since it’s been in my project stable for a while, many people have been asking for advice, so here’s a primer with pretty much everything I’ve written on the subject and some previously-unpublished FAQs. (I also just did a talk covering much of this at EMF Camp, and as soon as the recording goes up, I’ll embed it here—the dryness is abated somewhat when accompanied by arm-waving.)
Necomimi Brainwave Cat Ears Teardown
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