Today on our weekly live 3D Hangouts we are celebrating the many ways that 3D printing intersects with the worlds of games, gaming, gamers, and gamer fandom. (And we tackled a challenging Halo cosplay project!) Here’s a quick roundup of a few other 3DxGames projects that caught our interest to whet your appetite!
Collection of 3D Printed Board Games!
Archon: the Board Game by spelpappan:
This is the physical version of computer game cult classic Archon: the Light and the Dark to Atari 8-bit computers. The original game was made by Free Fall Games (former Free Fall Associates) in 1983 and they still own the IP. Rules for Archon: the Board Game are in the making. Feel free to play with your own set of rules, or wait until mine are tested and ready. (read more)
Pete Prodoehl shared an incredible project of “Readymake” art he has been participating in — an art project created with Bryan Cera and Scott Kildall to resurrect Marcel Duchamp’s Chess Set. Both a gorgeous, modern set and a complex re-examination of the “readymade” object in the context of a world with 3D printers, check out this “readymake” project and print a set for yourself! (read more)
Troke Classic Board Game 3D reconstructed by Cymon
This re-imagining of the 1956 game, Troke, changes the simple cylinders of the original into detailed models and adds a 3D printed board with spaces for the pieces. A classic, out-of-print game is back! 3D printing is once again thumbing it’s nose at scarcity. (read more)
Zombie Apocalypse, on Instructables:
This is a very old two player strategy game known variously as Hare and Hounds, the French Military Game and several other names and brought slap bang up to date with a theme which relates to the ever-present fear of the ZA. I first came across hare and hounds when reading through Martin Gardner’s Mathematical Games column in an old copy of Scientific American. If you play it you’ll find there’s a lot more strategy to the game than first meets the eye – rules of play in the next step. And you never know, come the Apocalypse it may even save your life! (read more)
3D Printed Settlers of Catan Tiles by tedparsec on Shapeways.
Every Thursday is #3dthursday here at Adafruit! The DIY 3D printing community has passion and dedication for making solid objects from digital models. Recently, we have noticed electronics projects integrated with 3D printed enclosures, brackets, and sculptures, so each Thursday we celebrate and highlight these bold pioneers!
Have you considered building a 3D project around an Arduino or other microcontroller? How about printing a bracket to mount your Raspberry Pi to the back of your HD monitor? And don’t forget the countless LED projects that are possible when you are modeling your projects in 3D!
The Adafruit Learning System has dozens of great tools to get you well on your way to creating incredible works of engineering, interactive art, and design with your 3D printer! We also offer the LulzBot TAZ – Open source 3D Printer and the Printrbot Simple Metal 3D Printer in our store. If you’ve made a cool project that combines 3D printing and electronics, be sure to let us know, and we’ll feature it here!