Make a head mounted display with Raspberry Pi by appleman123987 via instructables
In this instructable I will show you how to make a DIY head mounted display (HMD) that uses a raspberry pi and a 7 inch composite or HDMI display.
Sorry for not having a picture for every step. I finished the project before I took pictures for the instructable.
Please vote for this instructable in the Formlabs contest and other contests! It helps me alot and don’t forget to give me feedback. Tell me what I can improve on.
Here are the parts and tools that you will need to make this project:
SD card 4gb or more
Ethernet cable (optional)
Micro usb cable
Raspberry Pi Model B
1/8 Inch Acrylic or Wood ~3-4 sheets at 8″ x 12″
Latching switch
Sd card (4gb or more)
Female 3.5mm audio extension cable (for headphones)…
DC barrel plug and cable (same size) and must provide the input voltage to the screen so the adapter should be around 9 volts
Bi-convex lenses:®-Biconvex-Cardb…
7 inch display. You can use one from a portable dvd player but they are usually low quality so I recommend this one: It is very high quality and because the biconvex lenses zoom into the display you can really see the pixels in low quality ones.
Laser cutter, I used the one at my local makerspace.
Computer to flash the raspberry pi or you can buy a card with noobs pre-installed.
2 inch elastic
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Most important bit is how do you configure the raspberry pi to display a split screen with warping for the lenses?
Thank you for posting my project!
Zach Sousa – (13 y/o)