Gravity Touch bluetooth glove powered by Arduino Micro #WearableWednesday


Via Instructables via Arduino Blog.

Hey guys! I’d like to share with you the input device I created specifically to interact with AR glasses like the Google Glass, Meta, Moverio BT or with the VR headsets like Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR, vrAse, Durovis Dive. Those new products are amazing and they need new types of input devices. This instructable will describe how to build your own “Gravity Touch bluetooth glove” and I will also give you some tips to build your own Durovis Dive VR headset so that you will be able to enjoy full mobile VR. Because this glove will be of most use for VR game, I have created a Unity3D plugin for Android that handle the communication between your app and the glove. It means that you will be able to use your Gravity Touch glove to interact with your Unity3D VR game. The Arduino code and the Java class I wrote to handle the communication between the glove and the Android device will also be available so that you will be able to adapt them for your need.

The prototype of the glove described here will be providing the following data wirelessly:

  • the orientation in space of the user’s wrist thanks to the FreeIMU board.
  • the pressure applied on every user’s fingertip.

The glove communicate through bluetooth with either a smartphone Android or a computer (not reviewed here). Take a look at the video to have an overview of its functionalities and possible uses.

This instructable can also be useful for you if you want to create an Arduino system that must communicate through bluetooth with you Android phone/tablet, if you want to acquire touch input with your Arduino or if you want to use the FreeIMU device wirelessly.

Read more.

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