If you are a Legally Blonde fan, you just have to laugh at this pic of a “Selfie Hat” found on Huffington Post. Personally, I don’t think the character, Elle, would have ever gone so far, because even though she is a fan of fashion, she is far more likely to put her focus on others. However, for those that like to be the hot topic, this is the hat.
As you might guess from the larger-than-life design, the hat is a marketing device — a collaboration between Acer and designer, Christian Cowan-Sanluis. You may recognize this style from a similar outfit worn by Lady Gaga, and that’s no surprise, as Christian creates many of her outfits. The hat works like a Lazy Susan, allowing the wearer to spin the drop-down tablet for the most flattering shot. With the weight of the tablet and the distance required by photography, the diameter of the hat actually makes sense. Adding to the humor, there is also a matching tablet holder with hat, which actually may be helpful for sun glare on the beach. Even if it has no practical purpose, it is a reminder that wearables need some fashion love.
I’m all about the look for less. If you want to have some fun at a party, try putting together your own super-sized hat by looking at our TTL Serial Camera Learning Guide. You can consider mounting the Arduino and microSD breakout board in a pocket on the outside of the hat or even inside the lining of the hat. Then, you can create a flip down fabric covered arm for the little camera. In fact, you could even have it secured with some velcro. Although this camera won’t take the high res pics that your camera or tablet is producing, it will give you some fun shots in a smaller and lighter package. If you don’t want to solder, you could just use your own phone by hacking a smartphone mount and covering it in fabric. Seriously, somebody needs to make this and send us some pics from the results. Surveillance is so now.
Every Wednesday is Wearable Wednesday here at Adafruit! We’re bringing you the blinkiest, most fashionable, innovative, and useful wearables from around the web and in our own original projects featuring our wearable Arduino-compatible platform, FLORA. Be sure to post up your wearables projects in the forums or send us a link and you might be featured here on Wearable Wednesday!