Set up Perforce Services on Raspberry Pi. by via Perforce
Is it feasible to use the Raspberry Pi as a Perforce Server?In this article, we will set up a Raspberry Pi, using the Raspbian distribution, including the Perforce server and client, along with Git Fusion!
Once we have our Perforce server configured, we will import some projects and view the results from a client workstation.
Caveat Emptor
The Raspberry Pi is not an officially supported computing platform for Perforce products. This means that any experiments mentioned here should be considered as just that – experiments.If you want to set up a real production Perforce server, use a supported platform.
Nuff’ said. Now let’s have some fun!
Why Pi?
Outside of the cool factor, are there any practical reasons you might want to use the Raspberry Pi with Perforce?One obvious reason is to experiment with Perforce server configurations. Once you have an SD card with your base Perforce tools installed, you can easily duplicate it and then set up multiple servers in order to experiment with Perforce replication, edge, brokering, and other Perforce server technologies.
Use Git Fusion on your Pi to provide a Git server interface to Perforce, import your favorite Git-based open source projects, and share them with your friends. Use Perforce visual tools to view the Git sources, and experiment with horizontally scaling your Git repositories onto multiple Perforce replicas.
The Raspberry with a lightweight case weighs in at only about 3.5 oz., and so is ideal as a portable demo device. It has HDMI and Standard video outputs, and so can easily be hooked up to a projector in order to do training or demonstrations.
Run as a headless server once your complete your initial configuration. You don’t really need a desktop or keyboard when using the Pi as a server – ssh is all you need to maintain it, and you can use the p4 command or p4v and other Perforce visual tools to do source operations remotely.
Buy a couple, keep one at work, and one at home. Then you can carry your server back and forth on a tiny SD card.
For larger configurations, you can hook up an SSD drive to one of the Pi’s USB ports, or use a high performance USB stick for file storage.
In general, it is nice to have a standalone system, unencumbered by other requirements that often weigh down a laptop or desktop computing environment. If one of your experiments goes wrong, just write a new card and start over.– See more at:
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