RaspWristRadio: Wearable Personal FM Radio Station Made With Raspberry Pi #WearableWednesday

Wrist radio project from VectraSoft.

Parts List



Install and update software listed above. Be sure to have the pifm folder inside your home directory (typically /home/pi/pifm). Save the RaspWristRadio Python Script to your home directory. Make sure the script is executable: chmod +x radio-wearable.py To have the script work without editing, create a folder named music in the ~/pifm folder (typically /home/pi/pifm/music) and copy your WAV audio files into that folder. Set the script to run on boot by adding sudo python /home/pi/radio-wearable.py & to /etc/rc.local with a text edit like nano. Reboot the Pi and the system should be up and running as seen on the video.

If you have your WAV’s in another folder you and edit the script and change the path to that folder on this line – for root, dirs, files in os.walk(“/home/pi/pifm/music”):

Read more.

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