Blair Neal has been using OpenFrameworks to overlay a different face to those on-screen, in real time. Watch the video to see it in action, and check out his writeup and full open source documentation on his site:
We’re Live is a project involving live HD cable TV and face substitution software. It is a hardware and software method for doing a real time facial composite/replacement on live television. The original face substitution implementation and cloning shader was created by Kyle McDonald and Arturo Castro in 2012 (link to Github source). The face tracking algorithm that enables this kind of high quality facial substitution was developed by Jason Saragih.
One of television’s greatest powers is in its ability to display very structured and edited views of reality. By watching the fabricated streams of the shows, viewers begin to wish for the interesting, exciting and impossible lives of the characters. They can subconsciously desire the smiles and trouble free lives enabled by buying the products in the advertisements. With this software, viewers can come one step closer to truly seeing themselves on screen.
We’re Live allows a user to composite their face (or any face they choose) onto a live television stream. Essentially, anyone you watch on TV can finally look like you….or anyone you want. You could make everyone on TV look like Bill Murray if you really wanted to.
Download of the software is available in the Technical details section
via Vidvox