Watch what happens when you push a GoPro into a floating water blob in space #space

This is so cool! Via Digital Trends.

GoPro cameras are getting everywhere these days. Quadcopters, straps, flexible suction cups and other such accessories mean the only thing between you and some stunning GoPro-shot footage is your imagination.

The latest say-what? footage to hit the Web is the work of three ISS astronauts – the European Space Agency’s Alexander Gerst and NASA’s Steve Swanson and Reid Wiseman – who had the idea of putting a GoPro inside a water bubble, apparently as part of an experiment “exploring water surface tension in microgravity” (well, they had to offer some kind of reason for having a bit of fun with a GoPro and a liquid blob).

Shot back in the summer but only just released, the video, complete with its easy-listening soundtrack, shows the astronauts carefully inserting the GoPro into the floating sphere of water.

Once inside, we’re treated to snippets of footage reminiscent of those ‘dream sequence’ shots in old movies involving wavy dissolves.

Read more.

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