Instructables user TheFrankTurk is a Captain America cosplayer and already has his costume ready for The Avengers: Age of Ultron. His daughter decided she wanted to join in on the fun and wanted to dress as the Winter Soldier. Frank and his wife figured out a way to create a jacket and cyborg arm that looks fantastic without breaking the bank. They modified a $30 biker jacket found at Target (one from a secondhand store would also work) and used silver metallic fabric and black and red craft foam to dress it up.
They cut off the sleeve on the cyborg arm portion of the costume and used it to make a template for the metal parts. They installed a zipper on the removed sleeve to make it wasy to take off and on. Then they covered the craft foam with silver fabric for the metallic effect:
1. Lay out one foam panel on a FLAT surface, and cut a panel of silver lamè just slightly larger than the foam.
2. Lay the Lamè flat on a table, shiny side up. Roll the lamè up onto an adequate piece of PVC or broom handle to get it into a straight, even, flat rolling surface. To start the roll, attach one end to the roller with blue painters tape for easy removal. Set aside the roll.
3. Lay out one sheet of foam on a FLAT, CLEAN surface.
4. In an aluminum (NOT PLASTIC!) container (for example: a $1 baking pan from the Dollar Store), mix equal parts Fabri-Tac and Acetone. Mix quickly and throughly.
5. Apply an even coat of the thinned out Fabri-Tac to the foam. Let the glue dry to tacky — about 45-60 seconds. You’ll know its ready when you touch it and you can pull a spider web up from the surface.
6. Start at one end of the foam, and roll the lame FLAT AND EVEN onto the tacky side of the foam. If you get bubbles, after you untape the roller roll the whole sheet flat once more.
7. set aside for a good hour or two to get a solid cure for the glue. Repeat for all sheets of foam.
Read more about the costume at Instructables.